NEVER found in the Book of Mormon are 'quasi-doctrine myths' that just are not! So what is behind them and what is the truth of the matter? Often 'passed traditional' positions and defensive conclusions are the foundation of misconceptions now 'formally' and 'informally' relied upon today. Such are a number of these listed 'myths of misconceptions' below listed.


    The 'Infalibility of Scripture' (BM and Bible)
    — The unneeded old defence of the Book of Mormon.
    The Chili landing of Lehi
    — Largely dismissed, it still warrants mentioning here.
    The two Comorahs
    — The 'needed' asumption to found the limited BM geography.
    The Ever Northward Myth
    — Never taught as such in the Book of Mormon itself - a misnomer!
    The Limited Geographical Model
    — Opinionated scholarship of matching with the Ivory Tower generated.
    The Anomoly of Time
    — Suggest Timeline causes 'time conflicts' as referened in the Book of Mormon.
    The History of the Nephites
    — The Book of Mormon is a condensed Gospel Scripture - 'not history.'
    The Suggested BoM Timeline
    — Namely the first 20 years.
    The Suggested BoM Timeline
    — Namely the first 20 years.
    The contrived two cities of Aaron
    — Namely the first 20 years.
    The myth of two 'Onidah' locations
    — The hill and 'place of arms' are one.
    The considered two cities and plains of Nephihah
    — Only one and a mistake in the record.
    The Suggested Four year Gather or Travel
    — Mormon's gathering of Nephites did not take four years as did the Jaredite's gathering. Rather those 'four' years were mostly continual withdrawal and travel 'ever' northward following the constant persuit of the Lanmanites.